Spirituality,  Temples

Going to Narasimhar temple (Pilgrimage) in my dream

Yesterday I woke up with a wonderful dream experience of visiting a Narasimhar temple that was on a mountain. I kept chanting “Vrittothpulla Vishalaksham” (Mantraraja Pada Stotram) and climbing up this difficult mountain to see a silver Narasimhar. It felt exhilarating to experience a 3D pilgrimage in my dreams. Upon waking up, I was confused, and I called my parents to ask about the meaning of this experience.

My mother asked me if I had been thinking a lot about Narasimhar, and, to be honest, at that point, I was still thinking very much about Krishna. I am still kind of immersed in the Vrindavan visit that we did two weeks back. So, it was a pleasant surprise for me to see this Narasimhar on top of the hills.

After a bit of research, I found out this pilgrimage was probably somewhere in Ahobhilam, where there are nine great Narasimhar temples. I felt happy, but I could not understand the significance of this day.

Today, upon viewing my friend’s status on Whatsapp, I realized that it was Narasimha Jayanthi yesterday. My parents, being in the U.S. now, also lost track of this somehow, which is weird. I am very thrilled that I made this pilgrimage on Narasimhar’s appearance day.

Narasimhar means a lot to me. He gives me infinite courage and strength even when I feel like I have none. Narasimhar gives me peace and protection in the same way He offered it to Prahlaha.

I want to visit Ahobilam and see His beautiful temples. I am sure Lord Narasimha will enable me to see Him soon.


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