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    Making 1008 Radha Naam Mala for Sri Krishna

    Today, at around 10:30 PM, I had the urge to make 1008 Radha naam mala in Heart shape (20 Radha naam in each heart shaped paper). I realized that this is a powerful sadhana. You can get perfect stillness of mind while writing Radha naam. Sharing a video of my exquisite Banke Bihari wearing 1008 Radha naam mala:

  • My Interests,  Poetry,  Spirituality


    श्रीलक्ष्मीनृसिंहस्तोत्रम् — श्रीलक्ष्मी — नृसिंह नाम चिन्तनम्सर्वपाप नाशनम्नृसिंह पाद वन्दनम्भयमुक्ति प्रदायकम्नृसिंह नाम कीर्तनम्वैष्णवोत्तमो भवेत् सत्वरम्नृसिंह पाद सेवनम्हरिभक्ति प्रदायकम्नृसिंह नाम वदेत् नित्यम्नृसिंहो रक्षति सर्वदा || — श्रीलक्ष्मी

  • Krishna,  Spirituality

    The Greatness of Sri Krishna Prasad

    Food when offered lovingly to Krishna becomes Krishna Prasadam. This Prasad/Prasadam has healing properties. It heals mental, spiritual, and physical ailments because the healing touch of Krishna purifies everything that it touches. In my parent’s house, I used to eat only food that is offered as prasad to Lord Vishnu/Krishna. In fact, in my house, we hardly used to eat outside as my parents are staunch Vaishnavites. Every meal, fruit or sweet was offered first to our home deities and then consumed. I didn’t understand the greatness of this practice for a very long time, though I ate Krishna Prasad all throughout the decades. I never thought about why they…