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The resurgence of Bhakti movement

I am delighted to note that the Bhakti Marg of our Vaishnav Acharyas which used to attract every one towards the feet of Lord Sri Hari is again revived with the help of our acharyas in North India. The stories about the past times of the Lord pull our heart strings and make us recite the divine names of our Lord. What a time to be able to witness this great revival of our Sanatana Dharma in Bharat!

When I first returned to India after living abroad for more than a decade, I noticed that Indians in India had become more Westernized than Indians abroad. A shocking revelation, and for me, a disappointing one!

I had always enjoyed listening to the glory of our sages and saints of the past, and also had the good fortune to be around some of the most enlightened people when I lived in U.S. They were never materialistic though they had Goddess Lakshmi’s blessings in abundance.

Their lives inspired me to pursue my spiritual path with fervour even as a married woman. My Sangha was a very highly evolved spiritual group. I thank God for giving me this opportunity even when I lived far away from India! I had the association of great sadhakas from SRF of Paramahansa Yogananda, Isha Yoga, the Hindu community of California, the Zen Buddhist community of Deer Park monastery of Thich Nhat Hanh and numerous Devi Upasakas.

The regular friends I had were also highly evolved culturally, spiritually and materially. When I returned back to India, I automatically assumed I would get such a divine association just by being in one of the more culturally strong places in India. But what a shock! I realised most were dragged by their senses, indulging in malicious gossip, envy filled to the brim and vicious behaviour sometimes powered by intoxicants, and sometimes powered by their own internal stupidity.

I was worried about the state of life and the people in India. What has happened to the great ideals of those days?!

The Three Gateways of Hell are wide open in the minds of the people: Lust, greed (envy) and anger.

Endlessly pursuing sensory pleasures, delighting in momentary happiness and causing suffering to good people are the ways of Rakshasas. And there are too many of these Rakshasas in our society even now.

I was lamenting about the state of the people here to my brother who lives in the U.S. God listened to my heart’s longing and I got the good association of our Vaishnava Bhakti saints through the medium of youtube. These great Acharyas are creating a spiritual revolution of Hindutva, relighting the flame of Indianness spreading unity and inspiring more people to do good for the world. These people are transforming the collective consciousness of the people in the Hindi speaking belt of India.

Even those who had never read any scripture or shloka are chanting the names of Sri Hari. I am seeing such divine personalities who I could equate to the powerful and divine saints and Gods of ancient India. This Bharat which has got the taste of Bhakti Marga now is yearning to go back to the core of Sanatana Dharma. Instead of living superficially, people want to do spiritual practice and increase their Tejas and Ojas.

Long live such Tejaswi Saints of Bharat! The presence of such Vaishnavas is now purifying the land called Bharat.

I am positive that the India we will see in the future will be strong because of our Vaishnava Bhakti movement and our saints. I am feeling very energetic and rejuvenated by the divine association of the saints even across hundreds of miles.

May the Supremely powerful Lord Vishnu bless these great saints to do His work and reestablish Dharma in our land.

Jai Shree Ram.

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