• Books,  My Book,  My Interests

    My Fascination with Historical Fiction

    Historical fiction has always fascinated people. There is something extraordinary about leaving the four corners of one’s mind and into different landscapes, long-forgotten but absolutely inviting. A time in history when there were no computers and phones to distract people from their lives. A period in history where humans lived intensely, experiencing emotions like happiness, love, and anger from the depth of their beings. We have connected with the psyches for many millennia through our epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. We have felt the pain of Lord Rama and enjoyed the victory of good over evil in the end. Every time we read the epics and the Puranas, a part…

  • Places,  Spirituality

    Mylapore – The Rhythm of My Soul

    Years back, when we were living in the U.S., I used to longingly look at videos of Kapaleeswarar temple and the Mada streets of Mylapore. I vividly remember dreaming about the sensation of my feet touching the granite stone flooring of these temples. I yearned to return to the cosy feeling of being swarmed in the vibrancy of Mylapore.  As a true child of God, I requested Kapaleeswarar to bring me back to Mylapore. As an ocean of compassion, He made that happen in His own way. Mylapore has a magic to it, a secret rhythm to calm one’s tensions. What is it that sings to us? Is it the…