Joyful way to see the world
There are two ways to see the world. Either through the eyes of a cynic or through the eyes of a lover. Love is the rose-tinted glasses that makes everything more bearable. Love makes you accept things more thoroughly, embracing the good and the bad. You never say you love someone twenty-two percent. Usually, when people say they love someone they are overwhelmingly loving and positive. It is usually a complete acceptance of the person with their flaws.
When such is the case, we should accept life and things that get presented with a fault-tolerant view. An embracing, loving, grateful pair of eyes makes you feel joyful. Cynical thoughts are very common in people who live in India as we experience a lot of negative emotion when things don’t go as per our plan. The more in-control a person wants to feel, the more they are prone to experience a barrage of negativity when things don’t go the way the want.
A loving, embracing pair of eyes accepts flaws and can be patient about them. This is a hard lesson for many people, including myself. Perfection is not commonplace here, but perfectionism is. That is, we are intolerant of flaws in other people and things. But, life offers a choice.
The raindrops that fell on me as I took my scooty out today was like a blessing from the sky…
The cars that I have look marvellous when I pause to admire the small things… The logo written on the wheels looked stylish because I admired its beauty for ten seconds as I was taking my bike out. Immediately, it put my mind in a positive cocoon as I was writing poetry in thin air.
At my daughter’s school, I felt such joy when I personally handed over the lunch to her. How many people can see the joyful smiles of their children during midday on weekdays during grade school?! Not many. In my mind, I thanked the school and God for this opportunity.
As I was riding my scooty back home, I remembered my school days. I used to go to tuitions on my scooty from when I was very young. I got my first scooty at the end of Grade XI. Just the thought of my school days when I was a free, flying bird brought me a burst of joy. Perhaps endorphins were flooding my system. My mind was free. My mind was in the present moment. I was breathing happiness. Everything felt so lovely.
I am thankful for what life is offering. I can wear these rose-tinted loving glasses or I can wear my critical magnifying glasses. I prefer the former. It is a choice that you get to make.
Choose wisely.