Chanting,  Spirituality

“How to be victorious?” according to Lord Rama

I had written a poem about Buddha couple of years back and posted it yesterday in this blog because it was Buddha Purnima. It went like this:

“With Dhamma as its wheel,

Equanimity as the goal,

Truth as its chariot,

Buddha as the charioteer,

Move forward in the path of Liberation.”

Poem “Buddha” by Sri Laxmi

I had a nice synchronicity yesterday evening as I was reading Lanka Kanda in Goswami Tulsidas Ji’s Ramcharitamanas which had a wonderful scene where Lord Rama explains how to attain Victory at all times. Lord Rama is seen going to the war barefoot and without a chariot. Vibhishana is disconcerted by seeing this and he says:

“My Lord, you have no chariot, nor any protection either for your body or for your feet. How, then, can you expect to conquer this stalwart hero (Ravana)?”

Lord Rama replies:

“Listen, my friend, the chariot which leads one to victory is of another kind.

Valour and fortitude are the wheels of that chariot, while truthfulness and virtuous conduct are its enduring flags; strength, discretion, self-control and benevolence are its four horses, harnessed with the cords of forgiveness, compassion and evenness of mind.

The worship of God is its skilled charioteer, dispassion his shield and contentment his scimitar; charity is his axe and reason his fierce lance and the highest wisdom his relentless bow.

A pure and steady mind is his quiver, filled with the arrows of quietude, restraint and religious observances. Homage to the Brahmans and to one’s own preceptor is his impenetrable buckler; there is no other way to ensure victory than this.

He, my friend, who rides upon such a chariot of righteousness has no enemy to conquer anywhere.

Listen, my resolute friend; he who owns so powerful a chariot as this is a hero who can vanquish even that mighty and invincible foe, birth and death. “

“LankaKand” – Goswami Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas

How wonderful! How great is Tulsidas Ji! How wise and amazing is Lord Ram!

Jai Shree Ram!

Jai Hanuman!

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