Durga Suktam – Praise of the Goddess – Lyrics and Chanting
Here is my chanting of Durga Suktam with Saraswati Veena as an accompaniment.
जातवेदसे सुनवाम सोममरातीयतो निदहाति वेदः ।
स नः पर्षदति दुर्गाणि विश्वा नावेव सिन्धुं दुरितात्यग्निः ॥१॥
Jātavedase Sunavāma Somam-ārātīyato ṇidahāti Vedah |
Sa ṇah Parssad-āti ḍurgānni Viśvā ṇāve[a-ī]va Sindhum ḍurita-āty[i]-āgnih ||1||
We offer oblations of Soma unto Agni. May he burn those who are against us. May that Agni lead us beyond all difficulties, like a boatman takes his boat across a river.
तामग्निवर्णां तपसा ज्वलन्तीं वैरोचनीं कर्मफलेषु जुष्टाम् ।
दुर्गां देवीँशरणमहं प्रपद्ये सुतरसि तरसे नमः ॥२॥
ṭām-āgni-Varnnām ṭapasā Jvalantīm Vairocanīm k͟harma-Phalessu Jussttām |
ḍurgām ḍevī[ngu]m-ṣarannam-āham Prapadye Su-ṭarasi ṭarase ṇamah ||2||
I take refuge in that Goddess, who has the lusture of fire, who is radiant due to her penance, who gives the fruits of all actions, and who is difficult to obtain. O Durga, we bow to you who are skilled in making us cross all difficulties.
अग्ने त्वं पारया नव्यो अस्मान् स्वस्तिभिरति दुर्गाणि विश्वा ।
पूश्च पृथ्वी बहुला न उर्वी भवा तोकाय तनयाय शंयोः ॥३॥
āgne ṭvam Pārayā ṇavyo āsmān Svastibhir-āti ḍurgānni Viśvā |
Pūś-Ca Prthvī Bahulā ṇa ūrvī Bhavā ṭokāya ṭanayāya ṣamyoh ||3||
Oh Agni! You are worthy of all praise. Lead us safely beyond all difficulties. May our land and our earth be abundant. Bless our children and their children with happiness.
विश्वानि नो दुर्गहा जातवेदः सिन्धुं न नावा दुरितातिपर्षि ।
अग्ने अत्रिवन्मनसा गृणानोऽस्माकं बोध्यविता तनूनाम् ॥४॥
Viśvāni ṇo ḍurga-ḥā Jātavedah Sindhum ṇa ṇāvā ḍurita-āti-Parssi |
āgne ātrivan-ṃanasā ġrnnāno-[ā]smākam Bodhy[i]-āvitā ṭanūnām ||4||
O destroyer of all difficulties! Rescue us from difficulties, just as one crosses a river by means of a boat. O Agni! Protect our bodies vigilantly like Atri (who is concerned with the welfare of all beings).
पृतनाजितँसहमानमुग्रमग्निँ हुवेम परमात्सधस्थात् ।
स नः पर्षदति दुर्गाणि विश्वा क्षामद्देवो अति दुरितात्यग्निः ॥५॥
Prtanā-[ā]jita[ngu]m-Sahamānam-ūgram-āgni ḥuvema Paramāt-Sadhasthāt |
Sa ṇah Parssad-āti ḍurgānni Viśvā k͟hssāmad-ḍevo āti ḍurita-āty[i]-āgnih ||5||
We invoke Agni from the highest assembly , who charges and vanquishes his enemies and is fearsome. May that Agni protect us and lead us beyond all that is transient, all difficulties, and all sins.
प्रत्नोषि कमीड्यो अध्वरेषु सनाच्च होता नव्यश्च सत्सि ।
स्वां चाग्ने तनुवं पिप्रयस्वास्मभ्यं च सौभगमायजस्व ॥६॥
Pratnossi k͟ham-īiddyo ādhvaressu Sanāc-Ca ḥotā ṇavyaś-Ca Satsi |
Svām Ca-āgne ṭanuvam Piprayasva-āsmabhyam Ca Saubhagam-āayajasva ||6||
O Agni! You who are adored in sacrifices multiply our joy. You are present in the sacrifices and are always laudable. Grant us happiness thinking of us as your own body. Bring us good fortune from all corners.
गोभिर्जुष्टमयुजो निषिक्तं तवेन्द्र विष्णोरनुसंचरेम ।
नाकस्य पृष्ठमभि संवसानो वैष्णवीं लोक इह मादयन्ताम् ॥७॥
ġobhir-Jussttam-āyujo ṇissiktam ṭave[a-ī]ndra Vissnnor-ānusamcarema |
ṇākasya Prssttham-ābhi Samvasāno Vaissnnavīm l̤oka īha ṃādayantām ||7||
O all-pervading Indra who is unattached ! We shall follow you blessed with cattle and happiness. May those who live in the upper reach of the heavens bless me with the world of Vishnu in this life.
ॐ कात्यायनाय विद्महे कन्याकुमारि धीमहि
तन्नो दुर्गिः प्रचोदयात् ॥
k͟hātyāyanāya Vidmahe k͟hanyākumāri ḍhīmahi
ṭan-ṇo ḍurgih Pracodayāt ||
We perceive the daughter of Katyayana; we meditate on that young virgin. May that Durga inspire us (to reach that goal).
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ..
Om peace peace peace.
I saw the video & I got inspired to learn Durga Suktam. I hope others see this video & also get inspired.
Thanks Medha. I am so glad that you are inspired! 🙂 Keep learning!